Photography Adventures of Jason Perry


Art Along The Rogue 2012

For the last 10 years Grants Pass has hosted the annual Art Along The Rogue weekend street drawing festival.  It’s a great weekend for downtown with local artists, music, and even some professional street painters. For $5 they will give you a 2 foot by 2 foot spot and the chalk to fill it with your imagination. The weather was great and so was the artwork.

The colors are great in the evening as the sun is setting.

Six days later and the the Angry Birds are ready in 3D. Great work from

The artist worked down to the wire. This one was finished Sunday evening.

Richardson’s Rock Ranch

On a recent ski trip to Sunriver Oregon I visited the Richardson’s Rock Ranch. I have been all over this area in years past and never knew this place existed just outside of Madras. If you are into rocks and gems, this is a gold mine. It is a must visit for anybody that has aspiring rock hounds in the family. You can visit  Richardson’s Rock Ranch for more information.

I really did not know what to expect upon driving down the gravel road to get here. When I rounded the corner I was quite surprised. The outside was loaded with mounds of all kinds of rocks. Some are native and some are imported. On the other side of this lot are more mounds. All can be sorted thru and once you find that special one, just take it inside and make it yours.

Once your inside, you may want to pick up one of the local made spheres. This is just one of several tables of them.

This one really caught my eye.

Make sure you check out the hat collection hanging from the ceiling in the back room.

Oh by the can't miss the peacocks. Click on the pic to see some more.

This place is great. If you ever find yourself in central Oregon, make sure you take some time and stop by the Rock Ranch. You can even make a day of it and go on one of the digs and find your own keepers straight out of the ground. Say hi to the rooster if you do.








Disneyland 2012


It’s The Climate

What a great day to shoot this Grants Pass icon.

Spring sunsets on the way

This is a great photo of the sun setting on the Caveman Bridge in Grants Pass. I trolled for this lighting for weeks, and finally got it on a bike ride with my son Jaxon. The bike ride was the big deal. It was his first time out on his new bike (dad’s old cool bike). The shot is from Riverside park.

Waterfall Hunting After Spring Storms

Well after hiding from the rain last week, it was time to get out the house and take a drive. I like to take a little trip from Grants Pass to the confluence of the Rogue River and Graves Creek. Along the way, I have had opportunity to see some of the area watershed in a new light. You should see some of the waterfalls these little creeks make as they snake their way to the Rogue River. It is amazing. Here are some of the photos I got along the way.